Dreams & Visions of the End Times

On 16th September 2009, the Lord impressed upon me to create an online site where I can share to others what He has been revealing to me in this current time. On the morning of 18 Sep 2009, He told me to name it "God's Mandate" and a few hours later to include "for this generation" in the title as well.

This site include dreams and visions of end days that the Lord has shown us over the past few months. In these dreams, there was a clear urgency from the Lord that these dreams and visions had to be known to the world, and hence the creation of this website.

Note that I do not claim that these are the complete picture of the end times as the Lord chooses to reveal different things to many of His people. For we receive in part and prophesy in part (1 Cor 13:9). Thus it is very important that you seek the Lord for discernment as well.

These dreams & visions came forth as a result of full engagement in the Lord's presence and after a difficult time in our lives and a subsequent breakthrough. They are but a small component of the full revelation from God and have already begun and are to come. They serve as warnings to all (believers and non-believers) and also for the edification of the people of God.

For those in Christ, I pray that these will bring edification and conviction in your life. For those still seeking, I pray that you may find a place for God in your life. For the end is near, and the days are short. We do not know the day or the hour when the Son of Man returns, but watch and see that you are prepared (Matthew 24: 36, 42, 44).

Friday, August 7, 2009

Earth's Transfiguration

I saw what looked like the sun shining it’s rays down onto earth. But this wasn’t the sun that was shining for the Lord told me it was His judgement. Then I saw that as his rays hit earth, every part of earth, the flowers, the green grass, and humans were all being burnt and destroyed by His rays. Then I saw earth at a distance, and I see that one half was bright and covered with green grass and flowers, and the other half was full of darkness and seem to be covered with sticky tar. The Lord’s sunlight was shining upon the bright side of earth. But I suddenly see this side started to shrink and the dark side begin to cover more area of the earth. Then the green grass and all that brightness started to lift up and was drawn up into the Lord’s rays. Then darkness immediately begin to cover the area where light was originally so that now earth was completely dark. There were some twinkles of light all over earth but were very dim and quite few. Then I suddenly saw from the northern end of earth light and greenness started to cover earth again. The earth slowly begin to be engulfed by this greenness till the darkness was only a mere 2-3% of earth at the southern tip.

(shown to Alison)

The Great Revival that is to Come

I was once again in Paradise, on the mountain top facing all the glorious beauty of other mountains around me. Jesus was standing behind on my left side, as if allowing me to experience the scenery unobtrusively. There was a very strong wind that was blowing and it was coming from my right. This wind was so strong that I could almost feel myself being blown away. I was wondering why there was such a wind cause I thought that Paradise is a peaceful place. The Jesus told me that this wind is the great revival that is on it’s way to earth. It has traveled down from the higher reaches of heaven and is now passing through Paradise and will reach earth very soon.

(shown to Alison)

The Horse with Red Stripes

I see a black horse with red stripes on his body. It has a white horn. Smoke was coming out from his nostrils and it was bend on destroying the people of God who looked like sticky circular objects joined together. Whenever the horse charged at them and his horn tore the various circles apart, they always joined back together and it frustrated the destroyer greatly because it could do nothing to annihilate the people of God. So fear not Oh people for the Lord God is with you. The mighty one of Israel is your guide.

(shown to Mark)

Power & Authority

I see what looked like many many walls in the spiritual world against an dark orangy background and all these walls have collapsed, they have fallen down as the presence of the Lord moves through them. God is demonstrating his glory and his authority and his power here today. The breakthrough anointing is here today. It was here 2000 years ago when Jesus broke the chains of the oppressed and set captives free and open blind eyes and declared the year of the Lord’s favor. What a friend we have in Jesus, a friend who loves at all times. A friend who loves us in ways we do not even yet know. I see flags, white glorious flags that when planted symbolized the Lord’s establishment of spiritual territory. The promised land represent spiritual territories that the Lord has given us today. It represents those that we dare to take by force out of the enemy’s hands. When I prayed to take over territories, I see streams of water flowing into those areas though not yet a torrent, but a stream appears in the desert, in the dray and parched land! Hallelujah!

(shown to Mark)