Dreams & Visions of the End Times

On 16th September 2009, the Lord impressed upon me to create an online site where I can share to others what He has been revealing to me in this current time. On the morning of 18 Sep 2009, He told me to name it "God's Mandate" and a few hours later to include "for this generation" in the title as well.

This site include dreams and visions of end days that the Lord has shown us over the past few months. In these dreams, there was a clear urgency from the Lord that these dreams and visions had to be known to the world, and hence the creation of this website.

Note that I do not claim that these are the complete picture of the end times as the Lord chooses to reveal different things to many of His people. For we receive in part and prophesy in part (1 Cor 13:9). Thus it is very important that you seek the Lord for discernment as well.

These dreams & visions came forth as a result of full engagement in the Lord's presence and after a difficult time in our lives and a subsequent breakthrough. They are but a small component of the full revelation from God and have already begun and are to come. They serve as warnings to all (believers and non-believers) and also for the edification of the people of God.

For those in Christ, I pray that these will bring edification and conviction in your life. For those still seeking, I pray that you may find a place for God in your life. For the end is near, and the days are short. We do not know the day or the hour when the Son of Man returns, but watch and see that you are prepared (Matthew 24: 36, 42, 44).

Friday, September 25, 2009


Sitting in the Lord’s presence today, the Lord reminded me that we own nothing in this world. We came to this Earth with nothing and we leave this Earth with nothing. Even the things that we buy and we think we own, we do not. For we buy items with cash and cash comes from our job. Who blesses us such that we have a job? The silver and gold is mine says the Lord demonstrating his ownership over all things.

(shown to Mark)

The Importance of Personal Intercession

We were in the Lord’s presence when he inspired us to pray more for ourselves. As we started to do so, I felt the Lord’s hand such that I felt secure and greatly strengthened. It dawned upon us that we need to pray enough for ourselves such that when we are strengthened than can we strengthened others through intercession. It reminded me of Simon Peter when Jesus told him that after he denies him three times and has recovered from it, to strengthen his brothers. We can only strengthen others to the extent that we are strengthened by the Lord through communion with him. When we are weak, then we are strong. When we are weak, than we can allowed him to strengthen us and move through us.

(shown to Mark)

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I saw a vision of white sheets lining up. They look like bedsheets being hung to dry. In the vision the sheets represented areas of our lives. I saw the word “walkthrough” and I ask the Lord: “What do you mean by walkthrough Lord?” He answered: “Allow the Holy Spirit to walkthrough every area of your life”. The moment I responded I felt the presence of the Lord coming upon me very strongly.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Earth's Transfiguration

I saw what looked like the sun shining it’s rays down onto earth. But this wasn’t the sun that was shining for the Lord told me it was His judgement. Then I saw that as his rays hit earth, every part of earth, the flowers, the green grass, and humans were all being burnt and destroyed by His rays. Then I saw earth at a distance, and I see that one half was bright and covered with green grass and flowers, and the other half was full of darkness and seem to be covered with sticky tar. The Lord’s sunlight was shining upon the bright side of earth. But I suddenly see this side started to shrink and the dark side begin to cover more area of the earth. Then the green grass and all that brightness started to lift up and was drawn up into the Lord’s rays. Then darkness immediately begin to cover the area where light was originally so that now earth was completely dark. There were some twinkles of light all over earth but were very dim and quite few. Then I suddenly saw from the northern end of earth light and greenness started to cover earth again. The earth slowly begin to be engulfed by this greenness till the darkness was only a mere 2-3% of earth at the southern tip.

(shown to Alison)

The Great Revival that is to Come

I was once again in Paradise, on the mountain top facing all the glorious beauty of other mountains around me. Jesus was standing behind on my left side, as if allowing me to experience the scenery unobtrusively. There was a very strong wind that was blowing and it was coming from my right. This wind was so strong that I could almost feel myself being blown away. I was wondering why there was such a wind cause I thought that Paradise is a peaceful place. The Jesus told me that this wind is the great revival that is on it’s way to earth. It has traveled down from the higher reaches of heaven and is now passing through Paradise and will reach earth very soon.

(shown to Alison)

The Horse with Red Stripes

I see a black horse with red stripes on his body. It has a white horn. Smoke was coming out from his nostrils and it was bend on destroying the people of God who looked like sticky circular objects joined together. Whenever the horse charged at them and his horn tore the various circles apart, they always joined back together and it frustrated the destroyer greatly because it could do nothing to annihilate the people of God. So fear not Oh people for the Lord God is with you. The mighty one of Israel is your guide.

(shown to Mark)

Power & Authority

I see what looked like many many walls in the spiritual world against an dark orangy background and all these walls have collapsed, they have fallen down as the presence of the Lord moves through them. God is demonstrating his glory and his authority and his power here today. The breakthrough anointing is here today. It was here 2000 years ago when Jesus broke the chains of the oppressed and set captives free and open blind eyes and declared the year of the Lord’s favor. What a friend we have in Jesus, a friend who loves at all times. A friend who loves us in ways we do not even yet know. I see flags, white glorious flags that when planted symbolized the Lord’s establishment of spiritual territory. The promised land represent spiritual territories that the Lord has given us today. It represents those that we dare to take by force out of the enemy’s hands. When I prayed to take over territories, I see streams of water flowing into those areas though not yet a torrent, but a stream appears in the desert, in the dray and parched land! Hallelujah!

(shown to Mark)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Beautiful Traps

I dreamt that we were on a boat sailing towards various destinations in the world. Some places look very beautiful. When we wanted to land at those destinations we were forbidden to do so. It was as if the beautiful places were laden with traps of materialism.

I dreamt that I was in a very magnificent castle in the world. It was huge and towering. Suddenly my spirit started floating towards the heavenlies. In the heavenlies, I saw another beautiful castle. This castle was covered in glorious light. Jesus says for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.Therefore we should store up treasures in heaven for the things of the Earth will soon pass away but he who sets his heart upon the Lord will live forever. Even what seems beautiful on this Earth lies hidden traps from the enemy like materialism.

(shown to Mark)

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Shepard's Heart

I saw Jesus once again but this time he was standing in a field in front of a barn. In his left hand he was holding what looked like a shepherd's staff. He was calling and beckoning to a large group of sheep from the field into the barn. I saw the sheep move obediently towards the barn but there remained only one sheep in the field that seemed reluctant to move from its position. Jesus continued to beckoned the sheep to his barn.

(shown to Alison)

The Task

I saw Jesus and surrounding him are millions and millions of people. I felt in my spirit that these people were non believers and they make up the majority of Earth. It was as if God wants us as intercessors to start praying for people to be saved because the second coming of the Lord is very soon and he wants to rescue as many people as he can into his kingdom before he comes back again.

(shown to Alison)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Yahweh, Cleansing God

I saw a sickle which represented the anointing in which its purpose is to set captives free and break chains and shackles. It hit the tops off some plants representing a pruning process where the leaves would grow back.

Prophetic word: Yahweh, I am Yahweh, pure and holy, cleansing, cleansing, cleansing.

(shown to Mark)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Harvest is Ripe

I saw the Lord Jesus holding a basket in his left hand. He was standing in an orchard. On the right side, there was a tree that was almost like topiary unlike the fruit trees you see on Earth. And all around this tree were very fat big apples hanging off this tree. Jesus gently plucked each of these apples from this tree and placed them into the basket. The next scene, I saw Jesus gently taking each of those apples and placing it in a stream of water. These apples begin to float and moving towards a building in a far distance that the water was connected to. This building is the same white building actually a castle that I had seen previously in my other vision. The castle that had three towers but this time, I saw three areas somewhat seemed to be the entrances or near the entrances of the castle. This stream is the river of life. The apples are people and I felt that the harvest is now and it’s ripe. The castle was once again on a slope and around it was full of green grass. There was a clear blue sky in the background.

(shown to Alison)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Being in the Presence of God

The Lord’s presence is ever so powerful that he need not leave his seat in heaven. I saw mountains melting like wax even when he send forth just a small measure of his presence into its vicinity. Those who learn to stay in his presence will like a candle catch the flame that is from him and burn with desire for him and him alone and they will be lifted higher and higher into his presence leaving their mountains behind on Earth to be consumed and melted.

(shown to Mark)

The Powerful Peace of God

His peace. God’s peace is powerful. I saw a vision of how God’s peace was ever present and it brings order to all things. Even when the judgement of God is pouring forth, the sense of his peace and his love is still strangely present. We who are his children if we learn to flow and to sit in his presence his peace would fill us such that even in times of war and trouble, we would have no fear but would rise up to confront what is facing us. Hallelujah. Rejoice.

(shown to Mark)
Saw a vision of an evil angelic being appearing like that of a woman clothed with light. This being as it moves towards Earth starts to trap many women into its clutches in the form of feminism, like the spirit of Jezebel. There is great rebellion and a form of assertiveness and arrogance in those under its clutches. And the armies of Jezebel started to gather for war with God but as the armies of Jezebel advance, it could not move beyond the area where the flaming cross of the Lord Jesus is. For beyond that area is where the people of God who choose to dwell in his presence are because he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty. Evil could never come against the power of the cross of Calvary. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.

(shown to Mark)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Light of God

I saw the light of God come unto us when we believe in him and there were many others who have the light of God. When this happens, I saw we were transported into the heavenly realms and sitting beside the Lord in the glory and majesty of his presence and at the same time drawing energy from him for our beings that are living on Earth. Our light like larvae started to go in between darkness. It tells me that though darkness can be very dark, light can also be very bright. I than saw a country road. There was a tractor on the road emitting black smoke and there was no one else around except green fields. I was wondering how light can shine when there is no one. Suddenly I saw people picking fruits in an orchard and than I saw a marketplace where there are many people inside. And it seemed that the people who have receive the light came from this town.

(shown to Mark)

Friday, May 22, 2009

God's Kingdom

I saw the Lord Jesus crying. As He was doing so, His tears starting to drop into a stream of clean blue water. This stream flowed into a very large white building in a far distance on a slope surrounded by very green valleys. There was birds emerging from this building and as they flew out they were singing their songs. This building looked much like a castle with a few towers on both sides. Along this stretch of the stream, I saw that there were a number of souls who were putting their feet into that stream. Then I saw fire ignited from the center of that building. It begin to consume that building till it was full of fire but it was not destroyed. This fire spread across the valleys and covered the entire earth.

(shown to Alison)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Beast

I saw fire, and it was hell. I saw a beast in a shape of a man, but with two large horns on both side of his head rise up onto earth. This beast couldn’t just access earth easily, he actually accessed earth through a porthole that connected earth to hell. The porthole was surrounded with evil activities and the beast used this to access earth. When he entered earth, he fused with a man. This man was in Israel and he was in the church. This man knew it when the beast entered him and he was please with this. He knew that with the beast in him, he had great power. Although the beast was in him, he did not show it on his outer being. In fact, he looked like he was a genuine Christian. Then the Lord told me that we (as Christians) need to build up our spiritual development quickly in Him so that we can discern this man was evil. This man was going to deceive many Christians and pull them down into hell with him. This man had the capacity to have great influence on world leaders and their decisions. He will be very charismatic and move in signs, wonders, and miracles. Many will come to him and worship him. He will have a good relationship with other religions, and he seemed to create a doctrine that we should accept other religions and leaders from these other religions will honour him because of this doctrine.

(shown to Alison)

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Black Dragon

I saw a face like that of a dragon but this monster was black. He had a snake-like body with was translucent. This monster was in the heavenlies and I was quite taken aback as to why a demonic creature could be present in the heavenlies.

On this plane, lined up in a queue, were quite a long queue of souls whom I know were Christians. The demon made a circle round this soul, and started to swallow these souls from the first to the last. I saw these souls in the monster’s body and then it started to purge these souls from its side. As these souls were purged out, their entire bodies were covered with brownish-black slime that was from this monster. The Lord told me that these are Christians, mainly from small churches that doesn’t move or grow in His presence. They were contented with how they were like now and they were very much like secular beings. The Lord said that these Christians will not receive His reward when they pass on from earth.

Then the Lord told me to look below this, and I saw earth. There were many souls lined up in many rows. All their eyes were white, as if they were zombies. The same slime was covering these souls. These souls were all clothed in darkness and they were all dressed up as if in suits. Then I asked whether these souls will be saved. Then the Lord brought me up above and beyond the Christians in the heavenlies that were covered in slime. I saw angels pouring buckets after buckets of water that had a golden tinge to it. The water hit the slime but it not penetrate the slime. But the angels did not stop pouring down the water even though it seemed like it wasn’t going to do anything. But as the angels continued to pour this water, some tiny holes developed through this slime. This caused some of the water to land on one or two souls. This caused them their eyes to open up and they were immediately pulled out of this group covered with slime into the heavenlies but there were still many others that the water didn’t penetrate.

(shown to Alison)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Punishment of the Occult

I saw an Asian-looking man dressed in tribal clothes. He wore only a garment around his waist area. He was painted and dancing in and around other men like himself. The other men were chanting and beating some musical instruments. Then this man suddenly closed his eyes and then a third eye from his forehead appeared. The other men seemed amazed at this sight. All that time, Jesus was watching this. Then the Lord showed me the same man. This time round, he was sitting on a chair, and he looked sick. His eyes were closed, and he looked like he was in disillusion or he was running a fever. Then some black liquid started flowing out of his mouth then he died. Immediately, I saw his spirit being dragged down by dark spirits below. He was thrown a load of maggots which gnawed at him constantly and he was screaming in pain and fear.

(shown to Alison)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Fire of Jesus

I saw Jesus on the cross. His whole being was alight and blazing with glory like hot metal. I saw there was fire behind him like a great bush fire but not a scorching fire. Fire that blazed into the darkness of night and I felt a strong presence of the Lord. In the place like it is a place where angels tread and demons flee where the hopeless find hope and the oppressed are set free. At the foot of the cross, at the foot of the cross. As I went back into the vision and was wondering how to tap on the anointing in the vision, the Lord told me to behold the cross. When I looked at the blazing light of the Lord on the cross, I felt the same blazing glory of the Lord upon my physical body like the verse that says that we died in him and were raised up together with him in the newness of life.

(shown to Mark)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Earth & the Lower Realms

I was spiraling up to heaven and was standing on a cloud. Beside me was Jesus again still clothed in brownish gown. I saw Earth again from above. This time I saw it again in its darkness. Rains and great fireballs smashing down on Earth and with each impact causing greater damage than what Earth already is. Then I was suddenly brought down onto Earth and its ruins. I was afraid the fireballs would hit me, but I realized I was covered with a bubble of light. I saw people all completely covered in soot, all dark, running around in fright as more fireballs hit the Earth. There was great panic and sorrow. Then as I was walking, I saw a young woman sitting on broken concrete. Cradled in her arms was a baby and she was looking at the child, weeping over the child. She was also completely grey and covered with soot, but this child was bright, shining with light. Then as she was weeping, the baby died and the glow of light faded. But this light suddenly accelerated up into the heavens. I and Jesus went up with this light and we landed in paradise.

Then I was suddenly brought down again, but now past Earth into the lower realms. I bypassed many levels like levels of a building. But as I kept going down, firstly just below Earth, there seemed like other earthly civilizations but not in ruins like Earth. But as I continued going down, it started to turn reddish like there was fire and then going down to a place where it was completely dark and silent. There was no life but then I saw some creatures which looked like hairy round beings on two skinny legs and snarling teeth looking at me. I was still covered with a bubble of light and they couldn’t come near me. There were many many levels of this lower realms past Earth. Jesus was still with me in this very dark realm.

(shown to Alison)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cleansing Rain

I saw myself in a very white bright area. There were clouds about 2 meters just above me. Then I saw what looked like yellow rain fall from the clouds. The rain wasn’t of peace or calmness, in fact when they fell, I felt as if the rain was acidic and it could burn. This ‘acid’ rain fell on souls in that place. The souls were already there wandering in their own minds even before the rain came. There was pain and anguish when the rain fell on the souls. When the rain touched them, they started shouting and yelping in pain and started running off but could not find refuge because the rain was everywhere and there was no place to hide from it. I also felt the rain hit me. The feeling I had of these people were that they were of the Spirit, but were still connected with the desires of the world. Their minds were not focused on the Lord, but yet they seemed to look like beings of the Lord. This rain was painful but not destructive like fire though it burns the skin/body.

(shown to Alison)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Glimpses of the New Earth

I was standing on a cloud and Jesus standing on my right. I was looking down at Earth as the Lord was showing me. I saw buildings and trees like you would see if you were standing above earth. The view was very good and there was peace.

Note: As I pondered over this vision later on, I felt that this would be the new Earth.

(Shown to Alison)

God's Presence

I saw a great fireball over the dark Earth. Powerful and glorious, yet terrifying indeed. The Lord is awesome. He is mighty and awesome. He is awesome in this place (Ephesians 1:19-21). Then I saw beneath the fireball a shadow but it is not a dark shadow but a shadow of bright light. This light feels very comfortable. Then I understood that the Lord is saying for those who are of the light, the presence of the fireball feels comfortable but for those who are in darkness, the presence of the fireball and light makes them feel terrible like a sensation of being consumed by holiness.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Destined in Life

I saw Jesus. He was in a place surrounded by cots containing babies. Jesus was walking around the place and picking up babies randomly but selectively. With his right index and middle fingers, he placed a mark on the baby’s forehead with a symbol with what looked like blood. The symbol is drawn as above. It felt as if in this vision God has predestined some individuals to be in very specific 5 fold ministerial roles right when they were infants in heaven.

Note: This place was full of light, like it was in a spiritual heavenly realm.

(shown to Alison)

The Sound of God

I saw the city in Germany and the red swastika flag. The city was buffeted by a strong and mighty wind and there were many invisible molecues in the air. I felt the fearsomeness of the Lord’s presence like at the sound of his voice, the world can be twisted and disappear.

(shown to Mark)

Angels of God

When speaking in a new tongue, the Lord showed me the demonic forces that are in battle with the angels in heaven. They looked like animals with hideous faces and snarling teeth. Behind were flames of fire. But there were angels coming forth from the right from above and as they descended, they scattered the demons.

Interpretation of tongues to this vision: I will scatter them like sheep. The
BATTLE is MINE. I will reveal my salvation to my people. Power and dominion over the Earth! Power and dominion over the Earth! Power and dominion over the Earth!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Earth in Ruins

I saw Earth laid out before me like a map. I saw she was in ruins. Buildings were all in ruins and smoke was rising from every part of the Earth. Then I saw above in the heavens, an army on grey horses and another army on white horses fighting each other. Than I saw balls of fire like comets fly towards the already devastated Earth. I also saw above the armies that were fighting the throne room of God, like as if God was observing the things that were taking place.